Many people find comfort in their own surroundings, and part of the reason for this is that we are used to the mix of energies in our usual locations. However, when we travel further afield we are all - to varying degrees – aware of how different rooms can feel welcoming, neutral, or unpleasant. If you are sensitive to energies then you we be even more sharply aware of this, but in fact most people can relate to a general recall of walking into an unfamiliar room that may not look particularly threatening but nevertheless there is an immediate sensation of discomfort or gloom. Similarly, many people find when they check-in to a hotel and enter their allocated room for the first time it can feel very stale and dirty, even if everything actually appears to be clean and tidy. It is not unusual to find it very difficult to sleep in a hotel room, and to therefore feel unrefreshed the day after.
There are many reasons why we can feel comfortable and relaxed in some places, and uneasy in others. There will of course be physical factors, such as smell and noise. However, there are many different forms of energy that can cause a disturbance and for most people these are unheard of – it is certainly not a commonly known aspect of our culture that these energies exist, nor indeed how we should deal with them.
When we sleep at night our brain processes some of our conscious and subconscious thoughts and emotions. The philosophy of the "energy medicine" world to which this device belongs is that in addition to the physical body we are also comprised of a complex arrangement of energy bodies which, among other things, store trapped emotional pain. As part of the nightly self-cleansing process of the brain some of these unpleasant energies can be shed from our system – part of the process of sleep. We also discard imbalanced chi energy, which then dies off and becomes something called Si Chi (which is a lifeless, decaying energy). Because humans are so unaware of this phenomenon there is very little awareness of the need for energy cleansing, except for disciplines such as Feng-Shui or "smudging". So in the classic case of the hotel we have a bedroom where very many people have most likely slept and shed some of their psychic baggage – all of which has accumulated into an unhealthy cloud of energy detritus. All of this generates a large amount of the psychic equivalent of noise, and it also has a rather oppressive quality about it.
This is where the WDS Geo-Travel Device can be of tremendous help.
The Geo-Travel Device is a handy-sized device that plugs into a conventional wall outlet socket and sets about neutralising all of this undesirable energy. When you arrive at your venue remember to plug the device in to the wall outlet socket, switch on and then you can then leave it to do it’s job (maybe go down for dinner). When you come back to the room later on a lot of work will have been done to balance the room – just leave it switched on throughout the night to continue the process, and also leave it fresh for the next guest! Of course, this isn’t just limited to hotel rooms (they are just such a good example) – you can use them in offices, pubs and restaurants, and certainly anywhere where the energy generated by visitors can be of a low nature (e.g. tax offices, hospitals, job centres). You can also just use it at home to keep the energies in a room clean and fresh (NB for a heavy-duty version of this product which can be used for a house or larger office please see our Geopathic Device).
The Geo-Travel Device doesn’t just clean up the kind of bad energy you find that is generated by people, in fact there are over 300 other kinds of imbalance which are targeted. These include EMF and "dirty" electricity, Geopathic stress, ley lines, naturally-occurring energy spirals, and even "dark" energies that drift through the corridors.
Simply plug the device into a power socket and leave it to do its work. There is a small red light on the top of the device to show that it is powered-up and working.
Click here to see a YouTube video which explains more about the usage of the device
The Geo-Travel Device can be used anywhere in the world as it comes with interchangeable plugs, so simply slide on whichever plug that has the appropriate pin arrangement for wherever you are. The device comes with a handy pouch to store the device and also the four interchangeable plugs for the power supply. If you are travelling then remember to leave the pouch somewhere obvious so that it will remind you to retrieve your device and stash it away before you exit the room and check out!